Sustainable development

We consider sustainable development a contribution to the development of society as a whole, meeting the needs of the present day while enabling future generations to meet their needs.
From its inception, Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy JSC was designed as a project implemented in accordance with the principles of responsible business conduct and aimed at contributing to the achievement of global sustainable development goals.
As a leader in the hydraulic engineering construction in Russia, our company strives not only to achieve high production standards but also to contribute to the prosperity of the country to improving the quality of life of its citizens.
The key tasks facing MRTS JSC and contributing to the sustainable development of society include increasing economic efficiency, educating and advanced training of our employees, ensuring undisrupted operation of our workforce, maintaining high levels of safety for employees, protecting both the population and the environment, and participating in the social and economic development of the regions where we operate. This position is a crucial part of our corporate strategy, implemented in order to create the necessary conditions for the sustainable development of the company both today and in the future.
The management of MRTS JSC is responsible for implementing this policy and the effectiveness of the integrated management system, for providing the necessary resources for it, preventing injuries and deterioration of health, as well as for preventing negative impact on the environment.
Our company guarantees compliance with state regulatory requirements for occupational health and safety, and voluntarily adopted obligations in this area aimed at preserving the lives and health of employees.
The occupational health and safety policy takes into account the specifics of the MRTS JSC activities, the unique nature of work organization, and professional risks. The measures taken are aimed at preserving the lives and health of the company's employees during their work activities and ensuring safe working conditions. These measures involve managing the risks of industrial injuries and occupational diseases.
Activities in the field of occupational safety:
- Conducting specialized assessments of working conditions (SAWC) to identify and evaluate hazards and levels of occupational risks;
- Responding to accidents and occupational illnesses (investigating accidents and occupational illnesses, determining their root causes, and taking corrective actions);
- Providing occupational safety training;
- Allocating funds for initiatives aimed at creating safe working conditions;
- Purchasing and installing water coolers for employees;
- Setting up areas of communal relaxation and stress relief;
- Installing modern heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in compliance with regulatory standards to provide comfortable thermal environment and microclimate, as well as clean air in workplaces and other areas;
- Ensuring adequate natural and artificial lighting in workplaces and other premises.
At the beginning of each year, the occupational safety policy is re-evaluated to ensure its alignment with the strategic objectives MRTS JSC. If necessary, the set of measures is revised based on the results of the assessment of the functioning of the OSHMS (Occupational Safety and Health Management System) presented in the annual report.
Since its inception, MRTS JSC has been striving to achieve a balance between socio-economic and natural-ecological aspects. Respect and consideration for the environment is an integral part of our corporate culture.
The company's activities are aimed at achieving a leading position in minimizing the impact on the environment, which is why we pay special attention to ensuring environmental safety, to the aspects of rational use and restoration of natural resources, and to maintaining favorable ecological environment in the regions where we operate.
The strategic goal of MRTS JSC is to consistently reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment and climate by introducing innovations, using new equipment, and increasing the level of automation of work process management.
Our approach to managing the factors of sustainable development is based on the alignment of the company’s interests and plans with the key provisions of the UN Global Compact, universal human values, global trends and national development priorities, and our commitment to integrate our economic, environmental and social objectives into the business decision-making process.
During the implementation of construction projects, MRTS JSC strictly follows the requirements of its internal environmental protection policy and meticulously complies with relevant international and Russian legislative requirements.
When concluding contracts for the implementation of construction and installation works, even at the design stage, our company assumes obligations to obtain all necessary regulatory documents and permits required to begin construction, as well as for commissioning the completed object and obtaining a statement of conformity (AOC).
For each facility or construction stage, we develop programs for production environmental control and monitoring (PEC and PEM), we perform instrumental measurements and compile and submit annual reports on the compliance with PEC and PEM.
MRTS JSC employees bear full responsibility for making decisions regarding the work performed. All members of the team undergo timely training on the basics of environmental safety and hazardous waste management.
Our company fully compensates for all damage caused to environmental components during construction works. For example, in 2021, compensatory measures for the release of juvenile muksun amounted to 6,361,479 units, and for the release of Siberian sturgeon - 1,090,000 units.